# Generated by rust2rpm %bcond_without check %global debug_package %{nil} %global crate grep-regex Name: rust-%{crate} Version: 0.1.1 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Use Rust's regex library with the 'grep' crate # Upstream license specification: Unlicense/MIT License: Unlicense or MIT URL: https://crates.io/crates/grep-regex Source0: https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/%{crate}/%{version}/download#/%{crate}-%{version}.crate ExclusiveArch: %{rust_arches} BuildRequires: rust-packaging # [dependencies] BuildRequires: (crate(grep-matcher) >= 0.1.1 with crate(grep-matcher) < 0.2.0) BuildRequires: (crate(log) >= 0.4.5 with crate(log) < 0.5.0) BuildRequires: (crate(regex) >= 1.0.5 with crate(regex) < 2.0.0) BuildRequires: (crate(regex-syntax) >= 0.6.2 with crate(regex-syntax) < 0.7.0) BuildRequires: (crate(thread_local) >= 0.3.6 with crate(thread_local) < 0.4.0) BuildRequires: (crate(utf8-ranges) >= 1.0.1 with crate(utf8-ranges) < 2.0.0) %description %{summary}. %package devel Summary: %{summary} BuildArch: noarch %description devel Use Rust's regex library with the 'grep' crate. This package contains library source intended for building other packages which use %{crate} from crates.io. %prep %autosetup -n %{crate}-%{version} -p1 %cargo_prep %build %cargo_build %install %cargo_install %if %{with check} %check %cargo_test %endif %files devel %license UNLICENSE LICENSE-MIT %doc README.md %{cargo_registry}/%{crate}-%{version}/ %changelog * Sat Sep 08 2018 Igor Gnatenko - 0.1.1-1 - Initial package